
Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore. - Albert Einstein

Data Optimisation Network

Data Optimisation Network is an end to end application which connects multiple databases together to create a 360° view for the business on a same geospatial index through using machine intelligence and data science techniques. The demonstration of the app is based on SSE Airtricity. However, the data is anonymised for the solution but depicts the real-life problem.

Top YouTube Channel

Top YouTube Channel app built through plotly-dash. App is currently live on Heroku servers. This app is used in my YouTube video showcasing: How to call the YouTube API and collect the data and show the results in plotly-dash dashboard, which shows the basic comparison of the performance between the selected YouTube channels. (i.e. Ratings, Audience Engagement Score, Popular Tags used in the videos and more).

FIR Filter Design and Implementation using FPGAs

Abstract: This paper presents the study on current ‘state of the art’ for implementation of FIR filters in FPGAs. First, the overview on FIR filters is described. Furthermore, an understanding of FIR filter design method and structures. The paper then discusses about FPGA and implementation of FIR filter with FPGA, where it moves towards elaborating analysis about hardware implementations of FIR filter using different algorithms i.e. Distributed Arithmetic (DA), Common Subexpression Elimination (CSE), Wallace Tree Method and Sum-of-power-of-two (SOPOT) based on researches and other comparative studies by reliable sources.

Temperature Sensor Application

In this application I have used Raspberry Pi 4 to build and temperature sensor client/server application, where the embedded SBC reads the CPU core temperature from a file system entry and sends the data to a desktop computer client, which displays the data in a graphical form.

Python Automation Ideas

Python Automation Ideas - Playlist.

Project Categories: Data Extraction and Manipulation, Advanced Analytics, Visualisation Dashboards, Machine Learning and Web Scraping


Data Science Project From Scratch

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